Thursday, March 10, 2011

Life is short...Make fun of it!

  OK, just want to talk a bit about the importance of having fun...with whatever you are doing. I was talking to Melanie, my apprentice today, and told her that once you know what you are doing, with whatever, then you need to have fun with it. What I mean by this is let go a bit, don't try to control or force what you are doing, loosen up on the grips and let things flow. Usually when you do this it Greatly improves whatever you are doing and the overall experience. Plus it makes for a way cooler environment. Now let me clarify, I am not telling you to completely lose track of what you are doing but just get in your groove and let things happen. I am not very good at doing this yet but when I do succeed at it things are SO much nicer, I am usually more satisfied with whatever I was doing and had fun doing it. The time flies by and I feel better about myself. So, give it a shot and even if you are like me and it does't always work for ya...once in a while it will and it will be that much sweeter. 

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