Sunday, March 6, 2011

Instant Gratification and Attitudes

 Most of our clients are some of the coolest people you would ever want to meet but in general ( and not All, but a lot) the new walk-ins or clients coming in are so brainwashed by the media that they expect instant gratification. Now, there are certain exceptions to this but as a general rule, in my beliefs, I think just walking into a tattoo studio on a whim and getting tattooed is just a Bad idea.
  Unfortunately, there are a lot of people coming in that run the gamut from just ignoring us when asked if they need help to being downright rude and trying to guilt us into tattooing them immediately, even if that means ignoring or canceling someone else. This leads me to my next point of, don't come in with a bad attitude and in a rush and expect us to drop everything to pacify you...and don't expect us not to get a bit annoyed with you if you are being un-realistic and rude. We want you to have a positive experience when you get tattooed with us so the key to that happening is to be respectful and listen to your artist, even if that means setting up an appointment for another day and having to come back. If I thought I would get a better tattoo by waiting a week or even a month instead of getting a "rushed" tattoo today then guess what...I would gladly wait!
  So, with that said, I must say that if this is you or someone you know and you can't either be patient and or respectful then you will be asked to go elsewhere from now on...And "No, I am not just being a Dick" I am tired of all of the artists at the shop being abused and aggravated by these un-grateful and rude people. Sorry for the rant but thats the way it is!

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