Thursday, March 31, 2011

Accepting change

   Well, most of us don't like change, including myself...I like to know what to expect most of the time and when change does come along, I can hear my inner caveman mutter "Ugh...Change Bad!" But as of lately, I have been put in many situations where I have no choice but to accept it. Which I absolutely hated at first but have been trying to just accept and roll with it. I am trying to teach myself to loosen up and let things "flow" a bit more, which in itself frees up a whole lot of space in my mind that used to be filled with frustration from trying to "force" life to go my way...which accomplished nothing other than keeping me on edge ALL the time. I have spent almost All of my life angry, scared and constantly uptight...walking around tense, waiting for the "anvil" (a looney tunes reference) to fall out of the sky and land on my head. So, I am sure this will be a never-ending journey for me, but I am gonna keep working on letting Life happen and trust that it is gonna deliver to me what I need. I can't say that I am gonna be successful at this all days but there is always least until my tomorrows run dry. Give it a shot...cause for me at least, when I do succeed, things seem to be a bit easier, colors a bit brighter and for a short time...everything seems to be in it's place. Or maybe I am just losing my mind...but if that's the case please don't spoil it for me by telling me. Hahaha!

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Man I am so proud of you!

    That is one of the toughest things ever, to just relax... I am still working on it myself. It's harder than hell. But some days it is so nice to just take things as they come.

    Keep it up!
