Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Phone calls...texting...etc!

   When coming to get tattooed, please either leave your cell phone in your car or have the common courtesy to TURN IT OFF while being tattooed. You can check it when we take a break if it is actually that Important.
    I realize that at times there are actual emergencies and understand if this is the case, but as of yet I have not seen one. Just people being rude and making our jobs even harder by moving around constantly while the tattoo artist is Trying to give you a beautiful tattoo. Please consider the fact that this is Permanent... and if you cant take a break from your phone for a few hours, then maybe you shouldn't be getting tattooed that day.
    So, please consider this and make the choice if you want your tattoo to be it's BEST! Thanks!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

The "Secret" to Tattooing

   For years I talked to other artists that I admired to try and break the secret code. What "magic" inks were they using? What "magic" machines are the best? What's the "secret" that some of these artists know and the rest of us struggle to find? The "secret" I am referring to is...are you sitting down?...it....is...Patience!
Shhhhhh...don't tell anyone! Now, obviously this means after you have learned to apply a proper tattoo without scarring etc. There are machines and inks that are "better" for a specific artist or purpose by by and large the only other secret is to Calm down and take your time. Now, there is a fine line between "taking your time" and "overworking" something so know the difference in advance please. But, other than that, when you consider a tattoo done, look over every tiny little area of it again and really go thru and fine tune it again. And lets not forget, things ALWAYS come out better when you relax and Truly Enjoy what you are doing!

Accepting change

   Well, most of us don't like change, including myself...I like to know what to expect most of the time and when change does come along, I can hear my inner caveman mutter "Ugh...Change Bad!" But as of lately, I have been put in many situations where I have no choice but to accept it. Which I absolutely hated at first but have been trying to just accept and roll with it. I am trying to teach myself to loosen up and let things "flow" a bit more, which in itself frees up a whole lot of space in my mind that used to be filled with frustration from trying to "force" life to go my way...which accomplished nothing other than keeping me on edge ALL the time. I have spent almost All of my life angry, scared and constantly uptight...walking around tense, waiting for the "anvil" (a looney tunes reference) to fall out of the sky and land on my head. So, I am sure this will be a never-ending journey for me, but I am gonna keep working on letting Life happen and trust that it is gonna deliver to me what I need. I can't say that I am gonna be successful at this all days but there is always tomorrow...at least until my tomorrows run dry. Give it a shot...cause for me at least, when I do succeed, things seem to be a bit easier, colors a bit brighter and for a short time...everything seems to be in it's place. Or maybe I am just losing my mind...but if that's the case please don't spoil it for me by telling me. Hahaha!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Un-Reasonable People...

   So, what is it anymore with un-reasonable people? Why do most people these days think that the world owes them something? I don't understand it. I am impatient myself at times but can't understand yelling and swearing at someone and expecting them to be nice to you or give you any kind of service afterwards.
   Ok, well, last night apparently a customer was in talkin about getting 2 tattoos by an artist here. She was told that she could get the 1 done later that night but would need to set up a time tomorrow or in the future and at this point was OK with that. She was told to come in at 7pm. So, 20 minutes later she calls and speaks to the artist again and again asked about getting both tattoos at 7...she was told again that this wasn't possible and that he was already running behind schedule so he needed to get off the phone if he was gonna be able to complete what he was working on and get her done.
   At 6:15 she shows up with her husband and 2 children. They sit in the lobby, the apprentice asks them if they would like refreshments while they wait and puts on a kids movie for their children. She brings them snacks etc when the woman asks about filling out her paperwork. She is told that the artist will bring it to her when he's done. They wait , watching movies nand eating snacks and they are told that he is runnig behind but will still get the 1 tattoo done. So, around 8pm the artist comes out with the drawing for the tattoo to check it against her body to make sure it fits. She then asks where the other drawing is...he tells her again that he only has time to do the one but would be happy to set her up for tomorrow for either both tattoos or the 2nd. She begins to yell, saying that this is "Bullshit and we are Fucking out of here" etc etc.Just then the husband stands up and starts yelling " This is no Fucking way to run a business and they have been waiting for 2 hours" which would have only been one hour had they shown up on time instead of 45 minutes early and would have been even less than that had she not kept the artist for 30 minutes talkking while his previous client was waiting...and then another 10 or so minutes on the phone. At this point they are asked to leave, the husband is now yelling so loud other artists and clients come out of their rooms to see what's going on. He yells, This is Fucking Bullshit...this is no way to treat good customers" ...the artist shakes his head and again says "Just leave"...the husband says" Don't you shake your fucking head at me"etc etc...I WISH I would have been here for this...
   So, not only are these people out of control, they are raising 2 kids to be the same kind of arrogant pushy assholes that think the world owes them something. What goes thru someones mind that they think it's OK to act this way , especially in front of their children. I am also assuming that though she wanted to disregard the importance of the client that was currently being worked on when she took up the artists time and then called again she wanted to be tattooed without interruption and treated as if she were important. It really blows my mind the way that people think THEY are the only ones that matter.

   With that said, we DO have a lot of Awesome clients, so don't get me wrong, I REALLY Appreciate them but all of the INGRATES can go to their tattoo parties or some of these random SHIT SHOPS popping up everywhere and get some crappy scarred up piece of Shit tattoo cause that's what they DESERVE. Now just for the record, I believe the artist showed GREAT restraint in not Screaming at these people or worse. And just in case the couple that did this ends up reading this...my name is Ron Antonick, I am the owner of Gen X Tattoos and would happy to "discuss" this IN PERSON with you!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

St. Patty's Day

  Well, alright, a reason to celebrate! I am 50% Irish and my mom and sisters really get into this but it has never really done much for me other than an excuse to cut school when I was young and go to the parade. But as of lately, with all the bullshit in the world, any excuse for people to celebrate, relax and smile a bit is OK with me. May you all find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow today...god knows if I see a leperchaun I am straight mugging his ass! And I will share the wealth with all my friends...haha. Anyways, be safe and don't drink too much green beer!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Custom backpiece and King Diamond

   So, got to work on Rays backpiece again today which is a super cool custom piece I drew up of a creepy guy with a gas mask on morphing into some bio-mech. It also has reflections of what he is seeing in the eye pieces of the mask including a mushroom cloud etc. He sits like a champ and I am really stoked about this piece and will share it as soon as it is finished.
   I also got to work on an old friend of mine, Joe. he is getting an awesome portrait of King Diamond on his chest, upside down crosses and all.Again, I will share when its done. It is based off of the pic below. Super fun day, Total metal...Devil Horns to All! \,,/...Hahahahaha

Friday, March 11, 2011

Ice Cube

   Just had to share this pic since I mentioned Cube...Hahahaha

Winter Blahs turn out just fine.

   As usual, Cleveland gets pounded with snow another fine march day. It takes me over twice as long to get to work, slipping and sliding all the way. So, little by little all the rest of the usual suspects at Gen X show up, shivering, covered in snow and aggravated. We all get settled in for another day of tattooing and the phone starts ringing..."I am gonna be late"...then..."I am gonna need to cancel my appointment" etc. So, I figure this is just gonna be one of "those" days and I will just do my thing and deal with it, but we all had a shitty start to the day, we all are sick of the cold and every miserable thing it brings with it...but we all had a really cool day. We joked ...as usual... and laughed and nobody was complaining or anything. I know this is no big deal but as I have said previously, I am trying to be a bit more positive, which means instead of concentrating on the negatives of the day and talking about, I am gonna try and recognize and encourage the positives which hopefully will result in more good days than bad. So, it was just nice to have an easy day where we all had some fun, laughed and got along...the way it should be everyday. None of us are brain surgeons...shit, none of us even graduated high school...but we have one of the Coolest jobs on earth and need to be grateful for that. Anyways, enough of my babbling bullshit...Just wanted to say...So...in the words of Ice Cube..."Today was a Good day".

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Life is short...Make fun of it!

  OK, just want to talk a bit about the importance of having fun...with whatever you are doing. I was talking to Melanie, my apprentice today, and told her that once you know what you are doing, with whatever, then you need to have fun with it. What I mean by this is let go a bit, don't try to control or force what you are doing, loosen up on the grips and let things flow. Usually when you do this it Greatly improves whatever you are doing and the overall experience. Plus it makes for a way cooler environment. Now let me clarify, I am not telling you to completely lose track of what you are doing but just get in your groove and let things happen. I am not very good at doing this yet but when I do succeed at it things are SO much nicer, I am usually more satisfied with whatever I was doing and had fun doing it. The time flies by and I feel better about myself. So, give it a shot and even if you are like me and it does't always work for ya...once in a while it will and it will be that much sweeter. 

We don't do Piercing...

   But if there is someone who can convince me that they are qualified and competent as a piercer in the area I would be happy to send you the business. We get calls every day about this and I have no place to send them that I feel confident would do a CLEAN and Proper piercing. I don't believe however that we could do piercing as well and do it RIGHT without spreading ourselves to thin. So, that is why we don't do it...that and the fact that there are soooo many places in the area doing a half assed job of it with inferior jewelry just so they can do it cheap and as we all know, the average local consumer is more concerned with whether something is CHEAP rather than good and Clean. So, there would be NO WAY to do it Right and compete with the Hacks in the area. Anyways, if you know of someone that pierces in the are that has good business practices, morals and isn't a flake, hit me up!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Ever learning and growing

   Just a quick post to let you know my view on being an artist...any kind of artist. I am constantly buying and using any and all kind of information I can find that has to do with art and even more so when it applies to tattooing. Now we have all bought something that we have used, watched, read...whatever...and felt unsatisfied to say the least, but I am "trying" to be a bit less negative than I have been most of my life and look at things a different way. Any of the stuff that I have bought to try and advance my art has taught me something, even if its something NOT to do...but most of the time I get a lot more out of it than that. And another way to look at it is that even if it wasn't the best information I am helping to support a fellow artist and spending my money in the tattoo/art community.
   Anyways, I just finished watching Mike Devries dvd "Animal Style" which was very informative and inspiring to say the least. And this inspired me to go back and watch some of the older dvds I have again even just to refresh myself. So, my point is...never stop learning and striving for greatness. I have been doing this for 20 years and I am no where near where I feel I should be but I keep trying. So, do the same, don't stand still too long or you will grow stagnant and it will show in your work!
   Get up and DO SOMETHING!!!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I always recognize things TOO late

   Just a quick note to remind all of you to stop...look around...and recognize those people around you that truly have your back. Now, theres not usually many of them, but in my case, I always see it after they are gone. I have a friend, that I don't see much anymore cause he moved out of town, and didn't see much when he lived here, cause I always figured he would be there. And before you know it he is gone. He still supports me and gives me inspiration via emails etc and I should have let him know that he is a good friend and I consider him Family. Thanks bro! ...n in case you can't figure it out...it's you Mr. Barbarino.
   So, let your friends and family know you appreciate them from time to time!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Stigma Rotary Tattoo Machines!

   OK...So, I know I have posted before about using the Stigma Hypers, but I have to post again since as in any business, you have loyal fans etc. of the competition posting nasty things about these fine people and their products. Now, not often is it that when you purchase tattoo equipment or anything else for that matter, that you end up getting checked up on by anyone, let alone the owner/inventors themselves. They ask my opinions, answer any questions or concerns I might have as well as we have now developed a friendship. Artemis and Petra, may have their flaws like all of us do, but I, personally have not seen them yet.
   I am only a local tattoo artist and I find myself getting behind in answering questions and emails, sometimes taking up to 10 days to reply, yet the people at Stigma have always answered me in less time than that and they are a known worldwide for their tattoo machines. Now, I have dealt with a lot of the supply companies in the tattoo business over the last 20 odd years and NO ONE...n I mean NO ONE has ever treated me with the respect and caring that they have. I even recently inquired to 4 other supply companies about questions I had about the rotary machines they were selling and as of now (4 weeks later) I have only heard back from one and it was a form letter not answering anything I had inquired about. So, I guess my business is NOT important to these other companies who I am not going to name but I still feel important to the family at Stigma. It's kind of funny because one of the other companies, who I was using their machines and promoting them at the time, couldn't and still has not returned any of my many emails or multiple phone messages, but had enough time to post pics of the Expensive new car they just bought, and house etc. (and this should tell ya how long ago this was) on myspace and brag but wasn't a bit concerned with those who were buying and using their products. As far as I am concerned, a company like that is Absolutely USELESS to the tattoo community as a whole.
   So now on to the machines, I cannot comment on all of them but I personally, hove only used the Stigma Hypers and recently received a Stigma Fly. I have also used 4 or 5 other brands of rotary tattoo machines and while they all run slightly different, none of them that I have used personally have any sort of adjustment (or give) and none are as consistently exceptional as Stigma. So, the Hypers have been a blessing all the way around, they are lightweight which has helped greatly with hand fatigue as well as feeling like I have WAY more control over the machine...being able to work different angles, turn or adjust it. Then we have the fact that there is nothing to tinker with other than the "give" adjustment screw, so what does that mean...well, it means that the machine runs the same Every time I pick it up. No more endless tuning and adjusting a machine only to have it need re-adjusted by the end of the day. They also come with both rca connections or a standard clip cord connection so whatever you prefer is usable. The only thing to do with this particular machine is to lubricate it periodically. They run smooth and consistent everytime and I have been using mine for over 2 years now with no problems other than the time I dropped one which was my own fault. As far as the Fly machine goes, I haven't used it enough to really give an accurate opinion on but I will get back to ya on that in 3 or 4 weeks...just check the blog. I do really like the addition of the needlebar stabilizer which makes it so there is no need for rubberbands. You can adjust it light or firm depending on how many rubberbands you were used to using on your machine. They also changed the tube vice which I really like as well because I use disposable tubes and sometimes the vice on the Hypers would cause a dent in the tube so if you had to adjust the tube it would just slide back into that divet.
  So, there you have it, my personal opinion on the Stigma Hyper rotary tattoo machine and the company itself. They are awesome and I would feel confident in recommending them to Anyone! You can find them at   stigma-rotary-tattoo.com   or    youtube.com/StigmaRotaryTattoo

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Instant Gratification and Attitudes

 Most of our clients are some of the coolest people you would ever want to meet but in general ( and not All, but a lot) the new walk-ins or clients coming in are so brainwashed by the media that they expect instant gratification. Now, there are certain exceptions to this but as a general rule, in my beliefs, I think just walking into a tattoo studio on a whim and getting tattooed is just a Bad idea.
  Unfortunately, there are a lot of people coming in that run the gamut from just ignoring us when asked if they need help to being downright rude and trying to guilt us into tattooing them immediately, even if that means ignoring or canceling someone else. This leads me to my next point of, don't come in with a bad attitude and in a rush and expect us to drop everything to pacify you...and don't expect us not to get a bit annoyed with you if you are being un-realistic and rude. We want you to have a positive experience when you get tattooed with us so the key to that happening is to be respectful and listen to your artist, even if that means setting up an appointment for another day and having to come back. If I thought I would get a better tattoo by waiting a week or even a month instead of getting a "rushed" tattoo today then guess what...I would gladly wait!
  So, with that said, I must say that if this is you or someone you know and you can't either be patient and or respectful then you will be asked to go elsewhere from now on...And "No, I am not just being a Dick" I am tired of all of the artists at the shop being abused and aggravated by these un-grateful and rude people. Sorry for the rant but thats the way it is!

Lack of Ambition, Chaos and Catastrophe

So, I haven't updated my blog in what seems like forever now. I apologize for disappearing for so long but as most of you know from about April 2010, Gen X and myself went thru some really rocky times. But as the saying goes "Time heals all wounds". I was feeling sorry for myself, angry, not getting any sleep, not taking care of myself and just exhausted in general. So, I am back now and will hopefully be updating much more on a regular basis.
Ok, first off there are quite a few things that have changed at the shop over the past year. The shop line up for one. First and foremost, we lost a great friend and part of the Gen X family. Our lobby guy and good friend Justin Kalas lost his battle with diabetes and devastated all around him. We had a blast working together and he will be greatly missed. Justin was... and always will Gen X Tattoos biggest supporter and brother.
Next, we have gone thru a severe line up change. Ryan Speed, Sarah Fish and Ross Lloyd no longer work at Gen X. I'm not gonna go into the "whats" n "whys" but I will say that although it was a really tough time, things really do work out for the best! So, Jim O'rourke and Toran Marshall are still with us better than ever and we now have a new resident artist calling Gen X home. Brian Harley has been with us since November of 2010 and has fit in great and is quite the artist. I have also taken on an apprentice named Melanie Muntean. She is a very talented artist and is quickly progressing with her apprenticeship. I do believe she will become an incredible tattoo artist and a great asset to the tattoo community.
So, as a whole, we at Gen X have grown stronger thru these tough times and are ready for another great spring in wonderful northeast Ohio...hahaha.