Friday, June 18, 2010

A Friend in Need

A friend of mine, who loves to play pranks, especially on the phone called my shop recently. He has diabetes as well as some other health problems and is pretty young ( 29 ). So, he calls and Jim answers and hears him mumbling...Jim asks what he is saying and gets no response...Jim tells him to stop playing games and still gets no response so he hangs up. My friend calls back...I get on the phone and hear the same weird noises...I tell him to stop messing around. I ask him if he is answer...I ask if he needs answer...I tell him I am comin over and if this is a joke I am gonna kick his ass and if its not I will get him help. So, long story short, he was in need and has been in the hospital awhile now unconscious and in pretty bad shape. Now I have done a whole lot of thinking since he went in and though I have had this thought before it comes up again and I dont know why most of us do this. I wonder why I didnt ever tell him when he was around that he was a good friend or that he was appreciated. Now I dont mean I should have gotten all mushy or anything but all we ever hear from people (most anyways) is the negative shit...I really hope he comes outta this so I can tell him how cool he is...then I will probably smack him around a little bit for stressin me out for all this time...haha. Anyways, tell someone close to ya something good, for no reason, cause you never know when you may see them again. Thanks for reading my rambling bullshit!!

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